"LANDLOCKED IN FOREIGN SKIN is a blend of far-future science and ancient folkloric religion...sharp and quirky."
--Ai Jiang, Bram Stoker and Nebula award-winning author of Linghun and I Am Ai
What would you do to reclaim your stolen body?
The Fisherman would do anything.
Anything to return to their natural, monstrous state in the alien oceans of Europa. But they've been kidnapped, trapped on a human ship, forced into human form-- very pathetic-- and dragged into a mad human princess's plot to find an eldritch god. A princess that also seems...very interested in sharing a bed. Strange. All of this is strange.
The Fisherman can't fathom why anyone would want to be human.
They've been ripped from their underwater home under Europa's ice, and stripped of their skin--the nebulous outer layer that enables them to shapeshift for survival. Imprisoned on a ship that's hunting for a mad undersea god, they must help the crew find it if they want to retrieve their skin and return home.
Dame Isobel, a cruel princess, owns the ship, desperate to find the god in the hopes that it will heal her mortally-injured girlfriend. The Fisherman is stuck in a female human form. They're pulled into a toxic romantic relationship with Dame Isobel-- in a world where being LGBT is punishable by death. In the midst of this insanity, it's quite clear to the Fisherman: Humanity is confusing, inefficient, and messy.
When Isobel reveals that she will never let the Fisherman go, even if they find the mad god, the Fisherman knows: